As we come to the peak of our 2018 graduation season and look forward to supporting our graduates in their next transitions through scholarship support and mentorship, we decided it would be important to hear from one of our Fairy Godmothers to share her experiences as a mentor in the Fairy Godmother Program.
Kayla Brien has a rich history with The Princess Shop. Starting with helping out for the Glass Slipper Benefit, to coordinating the Fairy Godmother Program, to becoming a Fairy Godmother and Board Member...
1) What made you want to become a Fairy Godmother (mentor)?
Effective mentorship relationships enrich both people. Personally I wanted to dedicate time to getting to know a Princess Graduate, becoming a friend she could trust and to support her in her achieving her goals after graduation. On the flip side, I was also very excited about the prospect of having my eyes opened to new experiences and to learn new things from someone I may have never had the opportunity to engage with.
2) Why do you think it is important to mentor women at this stage of their life?
I have been very fortunate to have a strong network of support through the critical time in my life following graduation. This has played a large role in my personal growth knowing that I have champions in my corner ready to encourage me and help me navigate through the obstacles and roadblocks that show up in life. Every woman deserves that same level of support and encouragement, and I was excited about the idea of being able to provide that for a young woman.
3) What surprised you throughout your experiences being a mentor?
After I hang out with Zoya, I always feel very inspired and uplifted. Although she has endured struggles in her life, she is always upbeat and positive and sees the light at the end of the tunnel. She has changed my outlook on life in a very positive and transformative way.
4) What are a few key things you've learned by being a mentor?
Listening is so important. When you are actively listening you are establishing trust and respect in the relationship. Being present and engaged in your conversations allows for a person to feel truly heard and that they are valued.
Have fun! Discover activities you like to do together and try new things! As important as it is to provide solid advice and guidance to a young woman, it is equally as important to share in positive experiences together.
5) What do you love most about your mentee?
I feel so fortunate for the friendship that has developed between Zoya and I. I have had the opportunity to participate in some of the most precious milestones of her life since I have met her; I attended her families citizenship ceremony, watched her cross the stage as a university graduate and grow from a shy, soft spoken young lady, to a confident, driven and fierce young women. I love that I have been able to witness this growth and to be part of her journey.
6) Mentorship is a two-way street, so what benefits have you seen for yourself?
Mentoring allows you to bring out and develop key strengths in each other. I have had the opportunity to support and encourage my Princess Graduate to help her achieve her goals. However, in return, the experience has strengthened my leadership skills and my ability to communicate. My Princess Graduate comes to me to discuss a lot of big decisions in her life and I want to be able to help her make informed and confident decisions.
7) What advice would you have for anyone looking to become a mentor for the first time?
Determine expectations and needs early on. Ask questions and be actively listening. The Princess Graduate has signed up to be in the program for a reason so take the time to really get to know her and about what peaked her interest in being in the program. It helps strengthen the connection early on and establish trust.
-end interview-
Thank you, Kayla! Your reflections are so appreciated and Zoya is lucky to have you in her life (and vice versa, as we have learned).
For anyone wishing for a meaningful mentorship experience, please apply as soon as you can and we would love to match you up!

Not every mentorship match really has to match like Kayla and Zoya, but they sure make it fun! Here is a picture of Kayla supporting Zoya at our annual BBQ where Zoya won a scholarship! Photo by Joi Photography